* New appreciation for some unexpected aspects of your home country. I swear I will never again complain about the price of a magazine in France... with how much they cost, you´d think Finnish magazines have pages made of silk!
* Having the chance to travel to nearby countries that would otherwise be expensive and/or difficult to travel to: hello, Sweden and Denmark! Sweden in particular has been a true revelation. Not to add fuel to the fire of the old Finland/Sweden rivalry or anything (I refuse to take sides), but Sweden is pretty darn awesome.
* Exotic fauna. Well, I admittedly haven´t seen very much of the famous Finnish fauna... since I´ve arrived here, I have seen exactly one moose, and that was from the inside of a moving car. I´ve also seen one raccoon dog (I prefer the Finnish word, supikoira - it sounds much cuter!), and that was also from the inside of a moving car... at night.
Well, I´ve seen plenty of mosquitoes, so there is that...
Think you are going to enjoy Finnish summer? Hahaha WRONG, I and all my friends are gonna make your life a living hell!
- Nahia
Excuse me for share Obat nyeri dada akibat asam lambung naik have Obat kulit wajah belang dan kering keep Biaya operasi miom atau mioma saat ini must Obat penebalan otot jantung leaf Obat varises alami paling ampuh small Obat benjolan di leher belakang sebelah kanan dan kiri room Obat lambung bocor miss Obat gatal di selangkangan paha hungry Obat dermatitis atopik happy Obat abses anus Thank you...